Ophiuchus Sign

Ophiuchus Sign

People born under Ophiuchus sign are particular personalities. Ophiuchus sign is connected to healing and victory over fears. People of Ophiuchus sign are usually better developed. People of Ophiuchus sign possess curing powers, they are excellent dream interpreters, and are gifted with fine intuition. People of Ophiuchus sign are fortunate, sociable, talented, passionate, wise and inventive. They are able to gather crowds around them, but they look for serenity and harmony.

Ophiuchus Sign always tries to keep above the situation as hero-single. He constantly aspires to penetrate into forbidden matters and know the forbidden fruit.

Ophiuchus Sign is a strange character. It seems that one half is absolutely human and even possesses all human vices and weaknesses, and another half is completely inhuman, even superhuman.

Ophiuchus Sign is always under temptation; the most important thing for Ophiuchus sign is to pass through this point of a choice.

Ophiuchus Sign is a unique sign for whom stoppage, inactivity, conservatism are absolutely contra-indicated.

Ophiuchus Sign should have a constant stimulus for further development, continuous perfection, new searches, constant choice of situations, modeling of these situations, and checking. Existence is more difficult for Ophiuchus sign than for all other people. All Ophiuchus sign life is a series of battles. New situations constantly arise in which nobody can help him and everything depends only on him.

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