What Is My New Zodiac Sign

You want to know what is my new zodiac sign. It means you heard about the suggestion to introduce new zodiac sign. The 13th zodiac sign was suggested by Walter Berg and by Mark Yazaki in 1995. Walter Berg proposed to add a new zodiac sign known as Ophiuchus Sign. He also suggested combining sidereal astrology with the approved constellation borders defined in 1930.

The fact of the matter is that nowadays, there is no strict conformity between the signs and the coordinates of constellations. Astrology for a long time has been separated from the constellations giving the names to the signs. This fact is explained by the axial precession of the equinoxes during the centuries since the zodiac was introduced. Walter Berg suggested astrological signs that correspond to the period during which the Sun is found in the eponymous constellations.

Berg's suggestion means that the dates of all signs change and in addition a new 13th Ophiuchus Sign appears. This idea has both supporters and opponents. There are many unsettled questions around this suggestion. Majority of Western astrologists do not recognize this initiative. However, if you always felt that you belong to another astrological sign, you can try to determine your new zodiac sign on the basis of dates suggested by Berg.

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